Jon Hanna - Contemporary Psychedelic Art / Zeitgenössische Psychedelische Kunst
Altered consciousness resulting from the consumption of various drugs has had a creative effect on art throughout the ages. The use of psychedelics in current times has greatly influenced the visions depicted by modern artists, from the 1960s to today. Jon Hanna’s lecture and slide presentation—a visual delight—will introduce and discuss works by artists who have been inspired by their drug use. The primary focus will be on contemporary art, and the incredible twists and turns that it has taken on the psychedelic path. Art styles discussed and presented include Abstract, Geometric, Surrealistic, Computer-aided, Fantastic Realism, Spiritual/New Age, Photography, Sculpture, and more. Work from artists such as L. J. Altvater, Pablo Amaringo, Dean Chamberlain, Vibrata Chromadoris, Ernst Fuchs, H.R. Giger, A. Andrew Gonzalez, Alex Grey, Allyson Grey, Naoto Hattori, Mark Henson, Martina Hoffmann, Nick Hyde, Mati Klairwein, Stevee Postman, Steven Rooke, Donna Torres, Robert Venosa, Robert Williams, and others may be presented. Despite the variety of approaches taken by these visionary artists, conference attendees will learn to identify common symbols and themes that define contemporary "Psychedelic" art. Although this art had its roots in the 1960s, today’s Psychedelic art has developed into a unique expression, which cannot be relegated to "retro" hippie-culture.